The Paranormal Stew: paranormal home to the many supernaturally curious, skeptics, believers and those whom investigate alleged claims, under conditions that seem favorable for paranormal activity. Drawn to the unknown by the simple lack of rational explanations for alleged claims, we continue in the quest for logical answers to paranormal questions. Equipped with the basic gadgets, cameras, meters, recorders and laptops, we hit the road looking for fresh paranormal to bring to the Stew. Not every location is note worthy, historic or well known and others are just plain boring -sorry that’s just the facts.

Monday, November 23, 2009


For the many that investigate the paranormal, the EVP is just one of many things we collect. Some have suggested EVPs are nothing more than the background noises, technical machine noises, etc. are random. So if our ears and brain are geared to make sense of them, do think paranormal investigators imagine sentences or words? Skeptic, believer or open minded, what do you think?